Shanna McNair
Front cover of The New Guard by Shanna McNair

Shanna McNair

Shanna McNair is Founder and Director of The Writer’s Hotel and Founding Editor and Publisher of The New Guard literary review. She writes prose, poetry and scripts and is an award-winning journalist. She recently served as a RISCA Fiction Fellow Competition Judge, and as an Interdisciplinary Study Adviser at Lesley University. She has been writer-in-residence at Hewnoaks Artist Colony, at the Thomas Lynch College in Moveen, Ireland and at the Stonecoast Ireland Residency in Dingle. She is a graduate of the Dartmouth College Creative Writing MALS program, the Stonecoast MFA program and she also holds a Creative Writing Certificate from Oxford University via her study at Dartmouth. Her work has appeared on KGB Bar Lit online, and in Maine Magazine, DIAGRAM, Village Soup, Naugatuck River Review, Stonecoast Lines and elsewhere. Her play Fat Sushi was chosen as part of Belfast, Maine’s One-Act Festival; she directed and produced. She has worked extensively in the visual and performing arts. She is at work on a novel, stories, poems, scripts and a novella.